Friday, January 25, 2013

Hello Cyprus!

I arrived in Cyprus yesterday, after some plane ticket confusion and three flights. It was quite the stressful day!

Once I arrived I took a taxi to my apartment. Here I met my roommate, Carolyn from New Jersey. We get along really well.

After getting semi-situated we had to meet the group out front and walk to the university where we got briefed on some things and ate pizza.

After pizza everyone went back to their rooms and a group of us got together and walked to a local restaurant for drinks and snacks.

The people here all seem really nice so far. I'm sure I'm going to make some great friends.

My walnut honey crepa
Carolyn with her chocolate strawberry banana
Today Carolyn and I woke and went to Crepa Land, which is a local restaurant that sells various crapes and sandwiches. It was extremely delicious. We decided it was our new place to be for breakfast and lunch. They even give you a card to earn points for discounts which is pretty impressive if you ask me.

After crapes we had to go shopping to get stuff for our very bare apartment. We had to buy things like batteries for the heater (as it had none), an extra blanket for the bed because we froze at night, toilet paper (there was only one roll), food, a new shower curtain (the one we had was not a curtain but the cover for a real shower curtain), laundry baskets (because they provide none), and hangers (Because they only provided six-three each-which doesn't really cut it if you ask me).

We didn't mind having to buy this stuff, but at the same time it is hard to believe that past students don't leave these kind of things behind. We also got groceries, but we are not sure quite yet how we are going to bake things in the oven as it is just a round applicance that sits on the top of counter. We do have a stove top however, which will be nice for cooking I suppose.

Well that's really it for now. Off to find some dinner!

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