Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 10: ¡FÚTBOL!

Today was such a wonderful day. It was our last final full day in the village. I already started to feel sad knowing tomorrow is our final 'see you later' With the kids, but it's ok because today was great.

Right when we got there Nicholas came running at me with a finished bracelet that I just adore! I was so excited about it! I put it right on! Then I got to know Nicholas a little better and decided I really want to support him as he grows up in the village.

I played soccer with Loiuse for about an hour and then we played a puzzle game, which in the end he gifted to me. It was so sweet. It totally melted my heart and you don't want to take it from him, but you know how much it would hurt if you denied the gift! My favorite passage in the bible is in Luke and it reminds exactly of these moments and to even begin to explain how much it touches me is impossible.

Luke 21:1-4 NLT
[1] … While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. [2] Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins. [3] "I tell you the truth," Jesus said, "this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. [4] For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” …

Right before linch I got s chance to spend some time with one of the house moms. She was so nice. She told me though a translator child that I looked like Miss America and was so kind. I also got to talk to the older boys for a bit and I enjoyed that as well.

After lunch I went to the girls house to make headbands. Julianna was waiting for me to give me s huge hug. She did my hair then she made me a headband. After that Myra planned a water fight for us. She rat at us as sitting ducks open to play her game and let her pour bucks of water on us, then she handed us our own buckets. So we ran a poured buckets on each other for s bit then soaked clothes and all we played volleyball. Once we couldn't take being soaked anymore we went back to the boys house where our backpacks were to change (she did at least worn us to bring extra clothes bless her).

After that it was fútbol time! We all went out to the field and played a game of soccer together. It was so much fun having everyone out here playing together! We all came together and had so much fun. Most of the girls and the house moms were all out watching the festivities aka the boys dominate the gringos. It was a great way to end our day there.

Once we were back at the hotel we went on a boat ride around the Caribbean and it was also so much fun. We got some great shots and the time with each other was great.

I can't believe how this trip is starting to wrap up. I just pray that I can keep my emotions together in front of the kids because wow have they blessed me and leaving is going to be such a challenge. But I have been so grateful for this experience and for all those who have prayed for me or wished me well on this trip, I truly feel so completely blessed by these kids.

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