Sunday, May 23, 2010

20 reasons why this week was top knotch

1. I didn't (by mostly choice) have class this week
2. Heather and I went to a pimpin art museum and became what I would consider quite cultured in art
3. Rotary had an amazing presentation on Ireland, which is an amazing song in the musical Leagually Blonde =))
4. I Went to an honors banquet and found out I too was being honored!
5. I used my credit card for the first time =)) on aerie panties haha
6. A Sex God texted me, which was exciting
7. I got to go to the Great Wolfe Lodge with Girl Scouts
8. Scotty came and visited me!
9. I finally watched Tuck Everlasting after complaining for a year about not ever seeing it
10. I didn't catch Scarlet Fever
11. I finally got to go riding (thanks willy!)
12. I attended a fabulous bonfire with fabulous eye candy, the amazing shelby hogarty, Jon, Chance, Lacey, and Kris, and I ate fabbity fab smores (and by smore i mean one roasted marshmellow) and rocked out to Tim McGraw.
13. I got in to Phi Theta Capa
14. I finished my English Paper
15. Truly experienced a grease moment! I "Halled my cookies all the way to the beach for some guy" haha =P
16. I created an amazing qoute when ex boyfriend asked 'hows life'. "Life is hard and challenging, but I wake up everyday ready to fight threw the challenge and make one hell of an impact". There is some great wisdomosity right thur (Just sayin).
17. Amanda, Danica, Brandon, and Garrett came and played DDR with me in Chehalis
18. The Great Wolfe gave me awesome wrist bands
19. I learned the past tense of 'dare' is 'durst'
20. Heather and I decided to host a Bunco Party, which is very exclusive!
What a fabulous week =)) this next week is going to have a hard time competing =) I sure do love my friends and family Oh So Much!

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